Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Are these guys "hot" or what.....

A couple of weeks ago we got together for dinner and drinks with some friends. Here is a picture of the guys (Kent, Jeff, Dan, and Dave) I also have a picture of us girls, but I need to find it in my files. Anyway...just thought you may like to see some of the people we hang out with while in England.
By the way, it has been said that these are 4 of the "hottest" guys in England. Andy Kieser is on the list also, but he was ill that night...we are some lucky ladies.

Ian's eye is doing much better...he is kind of enjoying having the cut and bruise. He always wants to look at it. He is getting so much more social...I know some of you didn't think that was possible...well it has happened. He keeps inviting people over to the house. I don't mind having friends over, but strangers are another story. I keep telling him that he needs to stop doing that because one day someone we don't know will take us up on that offer....his response...them we will know them....yep...he is my son.

A couple of days ago Jeff called Uncle Louis's cell phone to hear his voice one more time. Ian heard us discussing that Jeff missed him and had wanted to hear his voice so he explained that we should just call God and ask to speak with Louis. Kids come up with the cutest most innocent things ever.


Holli said...

Those boys on top don't even compare to ANDY! At least this is what I have heard!:)

Holli said...

oh and it is still not coming up white under the words....