Sunday, December 21, 2008

What a giving soul.....

Ian has really been giving mood this holiday season....such as....
1.telling his school that his mom is baking cupcakes for all 70 kids
2.telling all the school employees that he got them gifts for Christmas
3. getting tea from England for all the neighbors here in Washington

I really didn't have a problem with the above...but tonight I had to draw the line...


I will post photos of my new car is too cold outside....I LOVE IT!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We are having a......

We went to the doctor yesterday and got our scan...the baby is still very long and active. We did confirm the sex and I have told Ian, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and a few friends...including your friend Joy...Holli. By the way, she is great...we spent a couple of hours talking and she has tons of ideas...she kind of thinks the way I do, which comes in handy for me.
I am having a GIRL!!! I will have her on Monday April 13th at 8:00. I like having a plan...I just hope she likes our plan. Jeff has the name...I am not 100% settled with it, but I will probably let it happen.
I gotta run...I am off to buy everything pink and girly that I can find...just kidding!! I am still in shock, even though I know it all along.

Monday, December 15, 2008

We are home....

We are finally feels so good. The flight home was fine...I was shocked to see that my ankles really didn't swell that much....until I got off the plane...SEXY. I always hated my skinny ankles when I was it was kind of like living out a fantasy..although it never was and will never be part of Jeff's fantasy.
Ian did great on the flight as usual...Jeff did ok...I did fine. Bo was so happy to see us...all the jumping,kissing, etc. was a little much, but he is fine now. Ian has been playing with his cousin Grant...nice babysitter for me...Amanda is Amanda...tonight I am going to over to supervise a cookie exchange at her house with her Bible study....I don't think it will be too wild.
WE CLOSE ON THE CONDO TODAY!!! It is so cool....I will post photos later today maybe.....
I have a pregnancy workout in about an hour and than it is shopping before the closing....
There is NO place like home.....I have missed my house, parents, and animals so much!!!
I will also post a photo of our new car if we get it today....I don't have any idea what Jeff will buy...he has been all over the place....Hummer, Jeep, will be a shock to all....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Question of the day.....

This question came to me from my wonderful son....

Mom..can pregnant women play in the snow?
Yes, Ian they can.
Mom...can pregnant women thrown snowballs?
Yes, Ian they can?
Mom...can pregnant womenget hit with snowballs?
Yes, Ian they can.
I have one more question mom...
Yes, Yes, Yes....
Can pregnant women get "bombed" by her son and husband by snowballs...
No, Ian they can't!!!

Plans canceled for those two....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Today was the sonogram....

Today was the day...yep..Jeff took the day off..he even got up and took Ian to school with me. I gave in and was ready to find out the sex of the baby...just to see it I am right or not. Anyway, we get there..the baby looks great..everything is normal..than we ask about the gender of the baby. She goes over all the rest of the body parts and saves that for the are some things we do know about the baby....

IT HAS OFF THE CHARTS LONG LEGS...this explains why I actually see my stomach move from the inside already...she actually checked them twice and than assured us that it was fine because we are both tall....

I also found out that I am farther along than they thought I was...they will confirm that at home.

Than came the moment...and the baby is....

well, we don't wouldn't open its legs...I tried laying on my side, walking around, jumping up and down, etc. The part the really bothered me was the baby was moving...hands were flying, head was turning, etc.

I have a feeling this baby is showing us who is in charge....not us!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Big Debate.....

We have had a big debate going on here....should we or shouldn't we?? Find out the sex of the baby that is....I don't want to...Jeff insists on it...Ian is split on it. I would love to wait...just like I wanted with Ian, but Jeff thinks a surprise is a surprise no matter when you get on the other hand....I would love to wait and see when it comes out. I feel like the birth will all be planned this time, so we should wait on the gender. Guess what...I lose. Jeff is taking 1/2 day to do with me so that he can see the sonogram....I guess this means alot to him because I sometimes wonder if he would take off for my funeral. I will post the gender of Thursday....that is if it will cooperate...the last two times the sonograms have been horrible...bad positions. I am pretty sure I already know...I will let you know on Thursday if I was right.