Monday, January 25, 2010

It is official....

Jade can walk!!! She is standing up clapping and taking steps on her own. She does great during the day when we are alone...not so good when Ian is around...he runs up and grabs her because he thinks she is going to fall. Her top two teeth are coming in and she is sleeping ALL NIGHT...ok...I lied...she sleeps for about 3 hours at a time! UGH!!! Oh well, it is a phase of her life...I actually don't mind it...I think I have gone insane...we both have...Jeff is sooo sad she is getting her teeth in...that means she is growing up on us!! We always hear about young people having babies too early...this is what happens when you have babies late in life!!!
Oops I almost forgot...she talks!! She has said thus, mom, Abe, wow, and various other words after we say them...she won't say a word in front of anyone..only at home.
Ian started basketball this past Saturday...he made 2 out of the 5 baskets his team he pumped?????.....well...NO!! Luckily...we are not into sports...he was more worried about his snack he was getting at the Bradley game vs. him scoring for his team...I guess that is good. He already told me that he will do this once and he is done...don't ask him is not a fun sport...he likes tennis and really loves golf!!
I have a brand new camera!!! Where are the the camera. Jeff needs to load is a professional one!! it is so cool...I love to hear the clicking of the camera and catching all the moments...too bad I haven't posted any...they are cute!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

What a find this on my camera....

Ian thinks he is real funny!! I remember the days when no one could even touch this wig..and now..he doesn't care about it and this is what happens when I am not looking!! Jade has a lot of pay back coming for this one!!

**the wig came into play when I couldn't take him playing with my hair anymore...I went to France for the weekend and left him with NO hair..he was a BROKEN boy!! I came up with the wig idea and it worked...too bad that wig costed about $250.00...don't ask!!