Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas morning.....

I just realized that I loaded these backwards...anyway...this is Jade barely awake Christmas morning...wondering where all this stuff came from:)

We put Jade and Ian in our bed so that we could make sure they didn't come down and catch Santa putting out gifts:)....I think they were out!!!

Ian got the bike he always wanted...oh wait...he got the bike Jeff always wanted..but his parents would never buy...I am not sure I would purchase an $800.00 bike for a 7 year old either...oh wait..I just did...Jeff will NOT be doing any of the shopping next year:)

Jade loves she got a kitchen set...she loves it...she plays with it alot...but I made one mistake...I shouldn't have gotten all the wooden Melissa and Doug stuff to go with it...the plastic would have been better at this age..she is dangerous with that wood:)

My parents spent the night on Christmas Eve...the kids LOVED IT!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More photos....

Amanda and Grant opening up gifts...I got Amanda her gray ughs that she has been wanting...Grant was American Eagle clothes...easy!!! Grant was sick with mono for a few months...but he is just now getting back to normal...and he is sooo won't be long until he towers over me...and he is only in 7th grade:(
Jeff and Rob expressing how happy they are that their favorite mom-in-law is out of the hospital:)

Ian reading to Jade...he does this all the time...she loves books:)

We support are 2nd amendment...but just in cause the democrats take over and we lose our rights...Ian got his first gun:)

It has been awhile....

Time sure does creep up on you...I just realized I haven't posted since September...ugh...alot has been going on since then..Ian is enjoying school..he takes piano and Spanish...he also just started basketball.
Jade is Jade:)...she is really into the potty...ugh! She gets on and goes and tells me after the fact...but if I ask her...nope..she will sit...but not potty:(...she also loves to read...or act like she reads:)...she is taking Spanish and tumbling...she is doing just great at is amazing how much her and Amanda are fact..she gets called Amanda on a daily basis..

Ian just hanging out in the yard:)...he is finally getting his teeth has been almost a YEAR!!! My dad is teaching Ian to drive...this comes in handy living on a dead end road...he taught us to drive when we were like 10...Ian steers now...but claims summer 2011...he will be doing gas pedal glad we don't get any traffic on the street...Jade joined them this day...usually she goes to honk the horn and than gets out before they drive up and down the street about 100 times:)

Jade trying out the potty for the first time...I walked in her room to find this..

I left to get camera and got this look....

Jade wearing my glasses...they look so big on her little face...anyway..she loves of have me print everyone's name and read them to hear..she tries to remember them and points them out to me...she actually does a good job:)