Sunday, May 24, 2009

We have a new STATE CHAMPION!!!!!

I don't have my photos to post yet....but it was amazing!!! Metamora has never won state before....they were always said to be the bridesmaid rather than the bride...yesterday we had a wedding....and we have a BRIDE so to speak!!! Amanda placed first in the state in the 800 meter run and second in state in the 400 run!! It was great!!
We are having a big party today....I will post all my photos when I get them. After the races all the colleges were giving me info on their school running programs...they thought I was her mother...I know we look alike....but I feel 20 so this doesn't work for me...just kidding.

Reminder for anyone moving from overseas to another country...don't get your shipment with a 5 week old baby....bad move on my part!!!! I just cry, pray, unpack, cry, pray, notice I don't add in sleep anywhere!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pictures....I know...I know....

I will post photos this is just crazy here and I only have a few moments before....well before....
Ian gets up and wants breakfast, Jade gets up and wants me, the guys come to finish working on the house and want coffee, everyone starts calling and wants to know if I got any sleep, etc...I could go on and on, but it is great to be "wanted"....I think.

Jade and Ian are doing wonderful....Ian is still hoping Jeff either gets laid off or just plain fired....why....because he has the plan to buy and ice cream truck and make that their summer job...he hasn't thought beyond summer....we are really not for that plan....

Jade is huge!! Well, compared to what Ian was at this age...she is 10 lbs already...he wasn't that until 10 weeks....she likes her food...just like mommy.

Oops gotta run...all those wantings are starting.

Amanda also made it to state in 3 events this year....that is this weekend...we are all so excited.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lots going on....

I last stated that Amanda wasn't doing as good as she was last year....oops on my part....I haven't been reading the papers lately or watching the news...she is doing great!! She finally got MVP of the Mid Illini Conference Track Meet this year...she has wanted this since freshman year. She is running great....she is now trying to break the record for the 200 run....just for fun...sounds like work to me. Anyway, I was mistaken about her...she is doing great...the thing I love the most is she would never say read it in the paper or hear it on the news...HUMBLE...that is my girl...keep up the great work!!
This past weekend was prom...Amanda went with a friend and had lots of fun. Jade, my sister, my mom, and myself went for photos and out to was a fun girls night out. Amanda looked amazing!!
Jade is doing great...we are working the whole sleep thing out right now...that is taking some time. I don't remember life without her..she is too cute for words!! Ian is still the wonderful big brother....he is LOVING his independence from me...yep...I can't watch his every move these days...he even rides his Gator without me right in his face....I looked out the other day and Grandpa Johnny was teaching him to ride the minibike....scary!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Daily Life.....

Jade went to her 2nd track meet last night....she actually stayed awake for most of it and managed to have a blow out while we were there....we just used Amanda's track bag and sweats for a quick change...thanks manda.
Ian loves the track meets...hotdogs, rootbeer, and candy!! He likes to see Amanda run also, but the real draw is the junk food....sorry Jeff.
Amanda is doing great this year...not as good as last year, but she hasn't had any real competition week are sectionals with state the following week. She has prom this Saturday....I will do my annual go to her house, take photos, go to someone elses house, and than out to dinner with my sister and mom....oops and Jade.
We are getting the outside of our house worked on this siding, lights. etc....I think I know how the tobacco industry stays in busy...I couldn't figure out who still smoked....they are all here....but they throw the butts away...better than the roofers.
I will post photos this weekend of Ian, Jade, and prom. I will not be photographed until I lose the baby weight...I only have 5 pounds to go....but things are really soft...that is a good the middle....where did those abs go??? They must be hiding under there somewhere....maybe they will resurface in a few years, months, or weeks!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This is not really a good photo, but I just needed to get this thing fixed....and it works...I just posted the wrong photo. Oh well, as you can see she is growing...growing...growing!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Life with Jade.....

I need to start with this...for some reason I can't upload any photos...I will check that out later.

Jade is growing so fast already....we can't imagine life without her. Ian is doing great with her!!! He is REALLY HANDS ON....maybe a little to hands on for me, but I guess that is what I wanted...right?? He doesn't like her to cry in her crib at all for that matter...I guess he thinks she is in pain. She is sleeping pretty good...although she wakes up every morning at 5:00 and doesn't go back to sleep until about 7:00....I actually don't mind this that much because it is the only time we are alone she the bonding time is great....I must be nuts!!
I will get this picture thing figured out.....but just wanted to let all those that have been emailing me about how things are going....GREAT!!! We have all adjusted well and are waiting on our sea shipment to arrive...hopefully soon.