Saturday, April 18, 2009

Welcome Jade Caroline Saad....

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At last I am posting some photos! I came home Thursday evening and things have been great!! She is work, but all worth it. Ian is loving it...just like the rest of us. Jade sleeps good and is a happy baby thus far...only a few days old. Thanks for all the email, prayers, cards. etc....what a great way to be welcomed into the world.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I should be sleeping.....

I have tried to sleep...not happening least yet. I can't believe in only a few hours I will be holding our new daughter. It seems so weird to have it all planned out...last time was so expected, but unexpected.
Ian is fast asleep...knowing that the next time he sees me I will be holding his sister. He is also hoping that my belly is smaller...I am hoping the same. Jeff is also sound asleep...only getting up about 20 minutes before we leave...must be nice.
I promise I will post some photos of the baby! I can't say how soon, but I will. I hope to come home on Wednesday...they think I may be able to this time. I will keep you posted...I would ask Jeff, but he only hears about this blog thing at work.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I am soo close to posting some photos....

I have so many to post I think I am just going to put them in a scrapbook type thing on here...I tried last night and couldn't find all the ones I was looking for to post. I am offically on the countdown to birth...only 6 days left at the most. I have this abundance of energy and I have been getting everything done around this house...I even cooked last night!!

Ian is ready for Easter...I mean I have him ready. We are planning on having an egg hunt on Saturday....I still have to fill those eggs but everything else is ready for Easter morning. He doesn't believe in the Easter bunny so he knows we do it all, but he is very excited to see what he gets this year. I thought it might be a few more years before he didn't believe, but he explained to his dad and myself....A huge bunny doesn't go around giving candy and presents to kids on the day that Jesus rose from the know the empty tomb??? You guys do know don't you?? We just sit there and were shocked, but pleased with this knowledge. If you know Ian...he couldn't stop there...he went on to explain Santa does not isn't possible and it is about the birth of Christ not a guy with freaky little elves going around the world delivering wouldn't even have the time. Ok...enough said.

Anyway...I am off to my last doctors appt. I will let you know if anything happens early....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Promises, Promises....

I know that I said I would post photos of my house last week....and it didn't happen. My computer went down and I have NO knowledge of how to fix it. This has been a crazy past 6 weeks...and it is only beginning with the baby arriving anyday now or at the latest Monday April 13th. Here is a really quick rundown of the past few weeks....

Our entire house was painted inside( I will post photos, although they won't do it any justice because you have to see all the cool things that Dirk did at my house!!)

We got new windows in the house. Not any big deal, but they were so needed.
We got an alarm system put in the house...after having one in England...I like them.
I have gotten rid of so much stuff at this house..I don't know where this all came from...some is going to auction, Ian is having a sale, and the rest to Goodwill

The phone rings about every 5 minutes here....this is the truth....I think I used to talk on the phone ALOT...don't really care to anymore.

We don't watch TV here anymore...only a few cartoons and Dancing with the Stars...

Ian had his first doctor appt. for an illness...yep...he even had to get on his first antibotic...I know he is almost 6, but still I was hoping this day wouldn't arrive...he ended up having a reaction to the meds and is covered in hives as I write this post....

I have been ill as well....after suffering for a couple of weeks found out I had strep....

THE GOOD NEWS IN ALL OF THIS...JEFF IS FINALLY HOME!!! The 5 weeks went really fast with all the chaos and sickness here, but it is great to have him home...I can actually have the baby now. I am really holding out for 40 weeks...Ian only went 39...we will see. The truth be told...Jeff has a haircut on Saturday, Ian on Monday and myself on Wednesday...if she could hold on until then....I am fine. My bag is packed....I will keep you posted....