The morning activity...every morning they start out with a quick actvity that the parents do with them.
This is Ians coat and gym bag hook. He has a place on the bottom for his indoor shoes.
Ian walking into once he is about 20 steps ahead of me!!
This is Ian right before we left the house....he was excited to get there and see what this "school" thing was all about...
I know I posted these photos in the wrong order, but it took me forever to get them uploaded. Ian likes school so far...he starts going all day tomorrow. I will have to pack his lunch in the morning...this will be his first day eating at school. He seems fine with on the other hand...I wish he was only 1/2 day. This has been so much harder on me than I thought it would...Ian of course is clueless. At times I envy those that can't wait to get there kids out the door, but that is not mom was the same way...thanks mom.
I know I posted these photos in the wrong order, but it took me forever to get them uploaded. Ian likes school so far...he starts going all day tomorrow. I will have to pack his lunch in the morning...this will be his first day eating at school. He seems fine with on the other hand...I wish he was only 1/2 day. This has been so much harder on me than I thought it would...Ian of course is clueless. At times I envy those that can't wait to get there kids out the door, but that is not mom was the same way...thanks mom.
I hope you enjoy the photos Jeff....we wish you were here....come home....we miss you!!!!
You might start liking it before you think - all that free time to go to teas, bible studies, book club, etc ~ the posh life of an ISE wife (HAHA). I wish I could tell you getting them out the door gets easier with time, but it sure hasn't with me. I am not a morning person & most of the stuff that needs done cannot be done the night before. Hmm, i guess i should get off to bed then. sweet dreams!
Ian seems like school a lot. I understand your feeling, same here when YX first started school. But, you will enjoy your few hours of freedom soon.
The pictures are so cute! I'm glad Ian is enjoying going to school. It is amazing how fast children adapt to their surroundings -- it doesn't seem to phase them. Hang in there ... we'll get you through it. ;o)
don't worry you will have a little oneS:) soon to keep you very BUSY!!!
So glad Ian is enjoying school!
Ian is looking adorable (as usual)! It is amazing how cute kids can make those boring school uniforms look. I am "one of those" who like my kids to go off to school for awhile but am always happy to have them home and very much look forward to the breaks. You will get there-trust me! I also think it might make it a bit more painful when they love it and don't mind leaving you (it hurts a little-I know). This is a new chapter of your life-try to embrace it-changes are comin' your way!!! It is good you have such amazing friends to give you such great advice.
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