Thursday, August 14, 2008

I know I should be packing....

I know I should be packing, but I just had to blog this so that I could remember it. Ian and I were talking about school and school lunches. He will get to take his lunch everyday. We were discussing what he could bring for his lunch each day....

My thoughts...peanut butter and jelly sandwich, apple, carrots, and a cookie or fruit snacks.

His thoughts...steak..cooked rare, squid with tomato sauce on top, grilled chicken on a wrap with greek yogurt, rice and some indian food..that would be his main courses on different days. His last request for dessert was ice cream from Paris or a pastry from Rome.

I think he will need to adjust his standards on packed lunches...


Amy said...

That is hilarious! I'm sure he will adjust just fine to PB&J sandwiches. ;o) Hope you were able to finish packing and are having a fabulous time!!!

Cathren12 (mom) said...

You know, Brittney & Sophie can't take Peanut Butter because of possible allergies for other students. This has made it really difficult for packed lunches. We haven't found a good balance yet so I hope it works out better for you :-)