Thursday, August 28, 2008

It is that time again....

I can't believe my little baby starts school in one week!!! It just seems like yesterday I took him home from the hospital. Time has flown by so won't be long until I am taking him to get his license and than off to college a few years later. It goes by so fast...all those little sayings...I am so glad I have video and a camera. Ian has been such a true blessing to all of us...he is really amazing. Just yesterday he asked me to distinguish between two different types of juice....I don't know where he gets all this from. He is a thinker alright...he loves to tell me that I am not the boss...God is the boss and we should go to him.

I could go on and on about Ian all day...but I don't have all day. I did wonder what I was going to do when Ian went back to school...he is my little sidekick...who will I shop puzzles books to...etc. I will have about 7 months of freedom...yes...that is right...7 months.

Baby Saad will be arriving in the Spring of 2009...I don't know that date yet...I have my first appt. today. Ian is soooo excited!!! Jeff and I are thrilled also...we already love this baby so much...we had planned on keeping it to ourselves for awhile, but decided just to let everyone in on our GREAT NEWS!!!

I will let you know more about this after my first midwife I will just be making it under the wire of being 40!!!

The unanswered questions....the grandparents...yes, they are sooo excitied...our entire family is so excited!!! I am taking any ideas for baby names....I am again not telling the name until the birth...I may not find out the sex this time either....we haven't decided yet....I do think it is a boy...and I couldn't be more thrilled...Jeff and I being in our late 50's raising a teenage girl would surely put us over the edge....especially if she is anything like me!!!


Stacey said...

SO EXCITED FOR YOUR FAMILY-and for myself!!! Your blogging opportunities are endless with Ian starting school and now with being pregnant. I can't wait! Love ya!

Holli Bain said...

Congratulations! That is huge news! I always wondered if there would be a number two, but I would have never asked. I'm very happy for you all. Maybe with this one, I'll actually be able to meet the first one! Holli Bain

Amy said...

Congratulations -- I am soooooo excited for all of you!!! Good luck on your appointment'll have to let me know how it goes. Can't wait to talk to you...

Holli said...

SOOO EXCITED!!! And I am also glad you have a blog as I am sure you won't be close when it arrives (like in the states!) Love you - praying for you all! and don't worry when you are in the nursing home I will bring the kid over for prom pictures!:)

Corrina Dea said...

Your news is so amazing!!! I'm so happy for your whole family. Ian will be a great, big brother!!! Pregnancy in the UK is certainly will be fun to hear all of your stories.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and your family. I believe Ian will be a caring big brother, taking care of his little sister/brother and read the 200 books to him/her.
So happy to see you last night.
Take care.

Scott and Jeanne said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting! I hadn't checked the blogs in awhile and what news! We're very happy for all three of you!

Cathren12 (mom) said...

Oh my goodness - what awesome news! I am so excited for you & the family.