Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas pictures 2007

I randomly picked a few pictures from Christmas to post. Ian had a great time building a snowman, playing with his cousin Grant(shirtless...I still haven't figured that one out), waiting for Santa, and spending time with family. It was great to be home and live a life that we so often take for granted. It is so nice to have stores that are open 24 hours, pay at the pump gas stations, easy driving, no speed cameras, and TARGET...need I say more. All kidding aside, being around family was great. We are just so blessed to have great family and friends!! I take some of these things for granted and feel so rushed because of all the people I want to see and want to see me or us. I really didn't even get to visit with so many that I wanted to due to time restraints. I will be home in the summer so I will pick up where I left off...

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