Thursday, October 2, 2008

News from Ian.....

I know I haven't posted the Fall Festival video yet, but I will get to that this weekend...I have been slow this week. This whole having 6 hours a day free thing goes so fast!

Ian gave me the news today...well, let me back-up...almost everyday he tells me what he wants to be someday when he grows up. He pretty much stays the same...a doctor that owns a pet shop part time...the pet shop has a kinds of bugs and snakes in it...after he opens that up in the morning he goes to work and takes care of sick kids all the end of the day goes back and closes pet shop. That sounds pretty good to me...I did mention why not be a vet...that didn't go over sounded so sensible to me.
Today on the way home from school he brought the whole job thing up again. This time he was upset about his decision...which he wouldn't share. I finally told him that he didn't need to decide today...he had a few years. After a huge sign, it finally came out...he is going to work for John Deere!! He explained he thought about it and that is what he wants to do...he knows his dad will not like this, but he can't stop dreaming about John Deeres. I told him that dad wouldn't care and it would be fine. He wanted to call them and see what he could do...because he already knows how to drive, fix, and build all the tractors....yea right, Ian.
We stopped the conversion at that point because we were home. About an hour later I asked him if he would ever want to be a Transformer when he grows know like a kid. He shook his head no and as I was leaving the room I heard him say..."she doesn't even know they are fake"...I almost wanted to defend myself with a "do too!"
The night ended with him letting me know that Transformers are not real and other toys are not real either....Santa and his elves make all these "fake" toys for kids on Jesus' little boy is back!!


Amy said...

Very cute!!! And, again, out of the mouths of babes. ;o)

Meghan said...

That is hysterical! At least he doesn't want to work for Cat and all the crazy hours!!

Anonymous said...

He make me laugh. So funny ;-)