Friday, June 20, 2008

Itchy Ian.....

Isn't life funny??? I guess that is a loaded question....anyway..we are heading back to the states today and we are so excited!! I haven't got everything ready this time because I was going to send Ian to school and have those 2 hours of freedom...didn't happen!! I will make this to the point...Ian has the chicken pox...yes..thats right...chicken pox. I am glad about this...just the timing is a little off for this one. We are going ahead and flying..he feels fine, just a little itchy. I will keep everyone posted on this one....I will be home alot this next week.....
I did have to laugh because I have been staring at Ian because I just can't believe that he has these spots on him. He finally told me that I needed to stop because it was not polite to stare at people.


Cathren12 (mom) said...

Yeah, chicken pox is one of the joys of living in the UK. Brittney got them last year & the doctor back home said it is a different strand over here (the reason the vaccine didn't seem to work). I will be thinking of you on that flight - but thank goodness for benadryl (stops the itching & helps them sleeps ~ solves 2 problems on the plane :-)) Safe travels!

Meghan said...

Lucky you!! can my kids come play with Ian???? :)