Thursday, September 9, 2010

A long day...

I was up ALL night worrying about the cat. To make a long story short..the cat is dead. She must have gotten in the backyard and Beau..our dog...wanted to play with her..only she was too little to play. I found her this morning in his favorite spot just laying on her side in perfect first I thought she was alive..but no. Anyway, when Ian got up I told him and since he had a dentist appt he missed school...we went and looked at replacement cats/kittens at PetSmart...Ian found one..of course..I am still not convinced this is the cat for me. We will see.
My dad came over and we did what we did when I was younger...we buried the cat in the backyard. Ian got to throw the first bit of dirt on the box...the tears were rolling down his little cheeks...afterwards he walked away to be alone and later placed two flowers on her little cute and sweet.
It has all in all been a good thing...I don't think he has ever had to really let go of something he wasn't ready to let go of..he has lost 2 great grandmas and an uncle..but I think he thought of them as old and it being time...he just told me that his heart isn't hurting as bad tonight:):)
Now if I can only find a cat that doesn't mind me giving it a bath 2 times a week:(


Stacey said...

Oh Tina!! I am so sorry! That really sucks!! I hope the replacement kitty helps to make everything better. All dogs (and cats) go to heaven.

Amy said...

Oh my, Tina! I'm so very sorry! Definitely never easy no matter how long you have had the pet. I'm hopeful that the new kitty will make his heart feel a bit better. Miss you... ;o(