We can't believe that she has only been with us for 6 months...not counting tummy time. She is full of life and smiles!! She wakes up with a huge smile EVERY morning...I think this has made getting Ian ready for school and out of the house by 7:35 a.m. much easier for me. She loves to be in the Baby Bjorn and watch people...she is always looking at people and studying them. She is quick...she grabs everything...I have to keep a close eye on her. She LOVES Ian...everytime she looks at him she laughs....her laugh is great! She also wears 12 month pants because of her length...she has to have the waist taken in on her pants, but 6 month pants are capri pants on her!!
She is loud!! She babbles often and it is loud..some think she is upset..no...she just likes to talk loud..she loves to stand up...I don't know if she will crawl. Ian bybassed the whole crawling thing and was walking at 9-10 months...I am thinking she will do the same...I hope not...but she has a mind of her own.
She has only been here for a short time ,but she has brought so much life/joy to this family...she is such a blessing!!!
Oh, yea...and she is so darn cute...I forgot to add that....