Sunday, June 27, 2010

Randon photos....

Here are just a few random photos....

Jade eating her first of many cookies...she is really not a sweet eater...I guess she can hang with dad....I still have Ian!!!

Joe Burke was in town with Cat one night and stopped by...his wife my have thought he was having a relaxing night...but he had dinner with us...and played Nerf gun...while she was at home in Kentucky..taking care of her 3-under 7 years...and waiting for #4 to arrive...anyday. Jeff hired Joe right out of college when he was the Business Manager in Danville turned out great!! He LOVES Joe..even though they don't work together anymore:(

Ian on his last day of school...he was so happy!!!

Ian loves getting into Jade's crib in the gives me extra time in it is great for me...and Jade loves it...she loves her crib. Her ideal life would be having Jeff sleep in with her in the crib...I know he meets the weight requirement:)

The little red Volkswagen...this little car was Amanda's(18), Grant's(12), Ian's(6), and now Jade's(1)...I will be saving it for Amandas little one...someday:):) My dad worked for Volkswagen for 30+ years and he always had great toys for us kids...this was a favorite of the grandkids....


Holli said...

so proud of all the pic you posted and in an order!!! love them! miss you!

Cathren12 (mom) said...

Awesome Pictures! I can't believe how big Jade is ~ she is beautfiul. I love the missing front teeth for Ian; Sophie is the same way (I'm beginning to think she will never have any front teeth). Miss you tons!

Stacey said...

Adorable photos!!! Love the little car...Bex needs one of those although he has a Cozy Coupe that he likes to cruise around in. Very funny about Jeff and the weight requirement for the crib :)