Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More Graduation day....

Ian and Amanda both graduated on the SAME day....my luck!! Anyway it went great...I was a little sad seeing my baby boy grow up and I really about lost it went I found out Ian was doing a reading at the graduation...not sad...scared to death. I couldn't imagine him reading in front of ALL of those people...but he did GREAT!!! The highlight of the graduation was Ian receiving an award for being the most positive role model, polite, well mannered, etc...kid in the school....ok...I guess they don't see him at home...but I am so happy he is sooooo good at school. We LOVE his school...we loved the small class size and all the one on one learning he received this year.
I tested him at home...must be the teacher in me...but... he tested out a 3rd grade for Reading and 3rd grade for Math...2nd grade for Science...I swore I would never do that but I had to know:):) He will have 18 kids in his class next year...he loves school!! He is busy playing golf, tennis, taking swim lessons, and doing Art and Spanish classes!! He is getting really good at tennis...guess all those England lessons did pay off:)

Amanda also finished out her high school career...she did great and we couldn't be more proud...I was doing my normal..."good luck Amanda" on the sidelines and I said this is it...high school is over...that is what the look was about...she was VERY SAD..but she is now ready to compete at a new level...
The journal star named her Track Athlete of the year...it doesn't come out until tomorrow...but the photo shoot was SO COOL!!!!


Holli said...

the graduation was TO FUNNY!! and so cute!!
Congrats to Amanda!!! so cool!!!

Holli said...

I think that you might be as sad as Amanda about HS being over.... :)

The Shoes said...

What a big day for the family! Congrats to both of them..very cool ceremony for Ian! Can't wait to see the article in the paper. How exciting!

Stacey said...

Ian has always been very sweet and well-mannered around people...I am not surprised at all! Very funny about you testing him...he and Sawyer are about at the same levels...not kidding...poor Sawyer. I felt the same way as Amanda after H.S. I loved H.S. A LOT! I learned to just be thankful it was such a positive experience cause it isn't for some! Miss you lots!