Sunday, March 28, 2010

How does all this time fly by so fast....

I can't believe I haven't posted any photos in weeks....I do have them, but time is always aganist me!! are a few things going on here at the Saad house...

Ian- he finally lost his front tooth...I think it actually fell out on its own. The toothfairy made her visit and he was off to Toys R Us the next purchase Nerf gun. I don't really like these inside since his main target seems to be Jade...he will deny this...but I know what I see. School is good and he is ready for summer and having friends over to our house.

Jade- She is running everywhere...she scares me to death! She is so funny...I guess I forgot all this baby is so cute. She always yells dad, mom, Tina, stinky(because I always say her feet are stinky) and so many other cute little things...she is so much fun BUT man she makes me tired. She is not content to sit and watch...Nope...she wants to join the crowd.

Jeff- He is finally not traveling near as much:) He is doing great...loving his job and loving playing with the kids..NONSTOP....this makes life easier for me...I can get stuff done...but the aftermath of all the toys, games, etc....we gotta work on picking up!!

Me-I am still helping out at Ians school. I have been busy doing Spring cleaning and getting RID of so many feels so GOOD to get rid of stuff!!!

That is it...track season is next life becomes crazy...Amanda and Grant this year!!


Holli said...

this will be my last time commenting or reading a post with NO pictures!!! :)
Miss you love you and though you NEED TO SHOW ME PICS!!!

Stacey said...

Yeah...quit being so lazy and put on some pics.! Beckett makes me tired too although it does get a little bit better as they get older....a little.