Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Finally....Jeff is home after 3 weeks away, the kids are getting over being sick, I am able to post some photos on my blog, I am getting into a routine of getting up and out of the house by 7:35 a.m....yep that is right....and finally Jade is sleeping through the night...wait...not she isn't...that brat!! She is so hungry at night that she wakes up every 2-3 hours...ugh!! I can't feed her more because of her stomach problems..she only throws it up and at the cost of this new special formula( $70.00 for 14oz. powder)..I refuse to waste money..I mean food. You did read that correctly...about the price...we are going on about $300.00 a week..she is more than our grocery bill...but you gotta love her...she is too cute!!!

Here are some photos from a day at the cemetery...weird...maybe...Ian loves them. My grandmother used to take me to this one all them time..she passed in January while I was in England and I wasn't able to attend the funeral..which is not what I had even expected, but being pregnant I couldn't just fly back and forth. I finally decided to go see her tombstone next to my grandpas...

This was one of the cool tombstones that Ian loved...even one of them has a story and I knew so many of them from my grandma and grandpa....

Warning...Don't drink Coke...that is what this should say!! I used to freak out because this boy died from drinking too much Coke while his parents were out to dinner...they usually never had soda at home, but his mom got it for a party they wer having the following night. The real story is...diabetic and couldn't take in the sugar so he want into a coma and died after drinking lots of bottles...but what a way to make a kid not want to drink Coke ever again!! I have told this one to him before so he was happy to finally see the tombstone...even had his photo.

This is my grandparents brother is next to them, but I wasn't going to post all the would have taken forever...we had a great time. Ian kept walking around wondering about the great grandpa he never met and about the uncle he never met...he asked soooo many was one of those days I will always remember or at least I will know that I am blogging. Who needs Wii or Xbox when you have a cemetery.


Stacey said...

Not sure how I feel about your cemetary field trip...actually it is great for Ian to learn about his relatives. I love that Jade is so high maintenence. It is how a girl should be!

Amy said...

So glad that everyone is feeling better! I'm with Stacey on not knowing how to take the cemetery field trip -- but it is good for Ian to learn all he can about your family. Hope to see you soon!!!