Monday, May 4, 2009

Life with Jade.....

I need to start with this...for some reason I can't upload any photos...I will check that out later.

Jade is growing so fast already....we can't imagine life without her. Ian is doing great with her!!! He is REALLY HANDS ON....maybe a little to hands on for me, but I guess that is what I wanted...right?? He doesn't like her to cry in her crib at all for that matter...I guess he thinks she is in pain. She is sleeping pretty good...although she wakes up every morning at 5:00 and doesn't go back to sleep until about 7:00....I actually don't mind this that much because it is the only time we are alone she the bonding time is great....I must be nuts!!
I will get this picture thing figured out.....but just wanted to let all those that have been emailing me about how things are going....GREAT!!! We have all adjusted well and are waiting on our sea shipment to arrive...hopefully soon.


Stacey said...

Glad you are enjoying Jade although I never had any doubts! Great seeing you last week. I am mailing Ian's sweatshirt tomorrow morning. I will call you soon!

Amy said...

So glad you are enjoying little moment with precious Jade. Wonderful seeing you last week and can't wait to see you hopefully next week, too. Call me when the sea shipment arrives if you need any help. Talk to you soon...

The Shoes said...

Great news! Would love to see a picture though! We just got our air shipment today and I'm glad the air isn't coming for awhile. Not quite ready to do that unpacking yet! Let me know when you guys get together. The boys would love to see Ian!